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Hanejiro is a Life-Form that appeared throughout the TV series, Ultraman Dyna. He first appeared in episode 11, entitled "The Phantom Shooting Star". He is part of a race of aliens known as "Markit".

Ultraman Dyna

Appearing in the "forests" of Planet Meranie, Hanejiro was responsible for leading Super GUTS members Shin Asuka and Tsutomu Nakajima into a hidden cave, where the Alien Meranie's gas-induced hologram technology and Monsarger's capsule was found. Although both SGUTS members were initially very cautious not to approach the flying creature, Shin took the plunge and nursed the wounded Hanejiro to health, while Tsutomu remained cautious. However, as soon as Hanejiro was nursed back to health, and SGUTS decided to leave the planet, Monsarger was activated, and the hologram-inducing gas was shut off, revealing Planet Meranie to be nothing more than a spike-covered wasteland. Due to Shin and Hanejiro's close proximity to Monsarger as it enlarged from its capsule, the two were buried under rubble, with Shin losing the Reflasher, which had fallen out of his grip.

Publication Information

Hanejiro's final appearance in the main story would be during the Alien Fabiras incident, as the Alien Fabiras came to Earth in an attempt to colonize it. However, Hanejiro would be the deciding factor in the debate between SGUTS and the Fabiras, helping sway Alien Fabiras B to the side of finding another planet to settle. After the defeat of the Alien Fabiras A, who was corrputed by the magical stone he found on Planet Muzan, Hanejiro bid Asuka farewell as it decided to go with the Fabiras and act as a source of hope for them, allowing them to find a new planet.

Ultraman Dyna Side Story : The Return of Hanejiro

In this special OVA movie, the Fabiras send Hanejiro back to Earth in a yellow, egg-like capsule, carrying a dire message. However, Hanejiro lands in the hands of the bumbling Alien Meiji, who immedietly recognize the creature as a Markit and decided to carry Hanejiro with them, as they are fearful for its safety. However, Hanejiro constantly attempted to escape and go to SGUTS, causing the Meiji to lock it into a cage. Despite that, Hanejiro was able to steal the key while the Meiji slept in an abandoned garage and unlock its cage. Hanejiro then proceeded to use the Meiji's cell phone to call SGUTS and inform them of the Meiji's location, eventually being rescued.

Ultraman Tiga, Ultraman Dyna, and Ultraman Gaia : The Battle in Hyperspace

While not appearing physically as himself, in the film Ultraman Tiga, Ultraman Dyna, and Ultraman Gaia: The Battle in Hyperspace, Gamu comes across a battery-operated toy of Hanejiro and is startled by it when entering a Toy Store filled with Monsters from the Past and Present Ultra Series'. Disguised as a toy, Hanejiro was on the shelf of a toy seller's store when Gamu from Ultraman Gaia's dimension came in and was accused of by the store owner as a thief before Gamu showed his face.

Great Decisive Battle! The Super 8 Ultra Brothers

Hanejiro made a cameo appearance in Great Decisive Battle! The Superior 8 Ultra Brothers, playing with the child of Daigo Madoka and Rena Yanasei : Hikari.



  • Hanejiro
    • Height : 33 cm
    • Weight : 5 kg
    • Origin : Planet Fabiras
  • Powers and Weapons:
    • Flight : Hanejiro is capable of flight, even in the vaccum of space.
    • Projection : Hanejiro's eyes can project messages, and memories. The projections can allow X-Ray vision and can destroy energy binds created by the Alien Fabiras.
    • Knowledge : Due to extensive research done on Hanejiro by Prof. Otomo (creator of Neosaurus), Hanejiro is shown to have the knowledge of a second grader and is 100% peaceful, without any violent emotions.
Related Post : Source : wikipedia / ultra.wikia
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